
back in the states

before i begin with anything, i would like to inform my mother that this is her warning to stop reading, turn away, and never ask of this. actually its not that bad and mom will find out anyway after i tell her. on saturday night, i arrived back at the ft lauderdale/hollywood international airport about 30 minutes late only to find out that my ride was also delayed and could not pick me up. i was left with only a few options.
1) take a taxi-over $150-200
2) phone a friend-it was about 12:30/1 in the morning and i didnt want to wake anyone up or figured they were not fit to drive since it was a saturday night
3) get a taxi to the gray hound station and pay for a ticket to fort myers the next morning-again, cost too much about 40 for the bus ticket
4) get a hotel and see if my friend can pick me up the next morning-over $60
5) hitchike-possible and free to a point
6) sleep at the airport and hope for the best, also potential to be free
i, being the thrillseeker that i am, after all i did sleep on a toilet of a train station bathroom in lindau germany while backpacking last april, decided to try out number five on the list. i even made a sign reading "FORT MYERS? my ride could not come, please help. will help with gas" it was pretty special. i even went as far as talking to everyone in sight asking if they happened to be heading across alligator alley that night-ill never see them again anyway. to no avail, i was stuck. next in play, number six. i squatted in the airport for the night. by nine in the morning the next day, my friend was able to make it and off to miami until monday morning. turned out, i found the cheapest alternative...sorry mom that i lied but i didnt want you to worry, and see? i made it unscaved.
miami was much different that i thought it was going to be. i really had no predetermined idea in my head, but it was very laid back. at least key biscanye was where my friend pedro lives. he showed me around his island, all containing picture perfect views of the atlantic or the city itself. took me to a place called oasis something with freshly made oj to order, a collection of pastries, meals, and great deals. the food was outstanding-i made him take me again that night and again this morning on the way back to ft myers.
i also want to let everyone know who pedro is. he is a player that i coach here at fgcu and one of the greatest guys i have met. this kid has turned his life into an adventure like no other. he is currently ending his last semester at fgcu to live in ecuador for the next five months where he has helped with an orphanage since high school, traveling back and forth often, providing clothes, and lending hands to better the lives of these children. he has also adopted two kids that he has turned their lives around through his mentoring, and talks to nearly everyday over the phone. hes the perfect person to have in the lives of these children. i want to wish him all the best before he leaves on december 17th and i look forward to keeping up on the impact he will have on their lives as well as the one they will have on his.

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