
my nutshell

born within the friendly confines that is cincinnati ohio i grew up with about as normal an upbringing as one can ask for. living in a suburban neighborhood 15 minutes outside the city itself, two parents who are a sort of american dream a father from poor roots of the cumberland gap kentucky and self made successful business man and a college sweetheart mother from the heart of the south who has dedicated her life to the upbringing of her three children. i spent my days running around with the other kids of the neighborhood and owning the recess teatherball, kickball, and gym courts all while maintaining the many 3rd grade crushes that i had. blah, blah, blah...weve all heard this story...my really life started in 2001 when i went to england, ireland, and wales for a trip with 15 other students who i went to eighth grade with. to be honest, i must blame my mother for this, and she can only blame herself as well in a way. i distinctly remember coming home the day of the initial interest meeting and mentioning it in passing during the routine dinner conversation. my mom knowing her son so well, asked me if that was something that i was interested in...of course why wouldn't i? she, being the loving parent, called and found the information for me...if not for this, i never would have traveled in the first place and thus never would have been bitten by the travel bug. fast forward past the amazing trip involving sights, smells, tastes, friends, and of course football with the irishmen, and you will find me 3 trips later and a collection of countries (england, rep. of ireland, scotland, wales, germany, netherlands, belgium, france, spain, italy, austria, slovenia, hungary, slovak rep., czech rep. and currently the dominican republic-more on that later) i can now say i have derived a true desire to see and experience the world beyond the friendly confines of cincinnati, ohio, usa
as much as i desire to see what the world has to offer, there lies within one more passion, soccer, football, futbol, fußball, calcio, and however else you want to put it. i played in from the age of 4 or 5 through college, if i had to choose one thing doing the rest of my life, hands down that would be it. my friend has a tattoo down his side that says "football is a part of i, when i play the world wakes up around me." i love that, if i could sum it up on way, i believe that would be it. it makes sense to me. i played basketball in high school also, and my dad (6´8¨) always asked me which i liked the most, hoping to say basketball i am sure, and i always answered with, nothing in sport can top making a great save, the feeling and rush, nothing. there is something i love about being a keeper, there is no glory when you win, that goes to the forward, and everyone points to you during a loss. the weight on your shoulders is something that i would trade in for nothing.
i think my purpose falls under the idea that if i can mix the two, travel and football, that i will truly be happy

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